– Making English Translations in Adobe Animate cc is very easy. However, this method uses Frames and buttons as translation tools. This method is very simple because you only need to create 2 frames in 2 different languages.
Tips & Tricks make this translation tool using a very simple way. You just need to use 2 different frames then connect them using a button. So you don’t need a script to make this translator tool.
Making English Translations in Adobe Animate cc with Frame and Buttons
As previously explained. In making this translator tool only uses Frames and Buttons. You have to make 2 Frames and 2 Buttons for the link. The sentence writing is done manually, so in Frame 1 write the sentence in your country’s language. While in Frame 2 use the same sentence as English.
Creating Frames for 2 languages
Open adobe animate on your PC, then create 2 frames with different contents. In the first frame, Enter English sentences, and in the second frame using the language you want. For example, use Indonesian.
After that give one button in each frame to connect the two frames. Fill in the “Instance Name” section for each button created. For example, Give “Instance Name” to the button in frame 1 with the name “keinggris”. While in Frame 2 use the instance name “keindonesia”.
The instance name will be used in the script to make the button react when clicked by the user.
Create a button using Object or Text, then convert the object/text into a button by right-clicking on the object > Convert to Symbol (F8).
Do not forget to provide “Instance Name” on each button that will be used. Go to Properties > Instance Name.
When finished creating the button, Connect the two frames that were created earlier using the following AS3 Script :
Right Click on Frame 1, Then Select Actions. Use the following script:
keinggris.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ing);function ing(event:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndPlay(2);}
Right Click on Frame 2, Then Select Actions. Use the following script:
keindonesia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, indo);
function indo(event:MouseEvent):void{
This tutorial on how to make an English translation in Adobe Animate cc is made using simple frames and buttons. You only move the frame by using the buttons that have been provided.
You just create 2 different frames with different contents. Each frame is filled with the desired language and then connected using a button. So, To make a translation of the sentence Frame 1, you need to press the “Translate” button to move to Frame 2 which is already filled with a certain language.
also read: How to Make Android apps and Games using Adobe Animate CC