How to add Google Maps and Website in Smart Apps Creator

Neicy Techno – Adding Google Maps and Web Pages in Smart Apps Creator is a very important step in providing information and location about the Creator of his app or game. You can add a URL to the app in a very easy way. Because this feature is already available in it.

Smart Apps Creator (SAC) is an application that creates applications and learning media without scripts in the manufacturing process. You just need to use Logic from the tools provided. Of course, It will be very helpful for users in creating projects.

Google Maps and Website in Smart Apps Creator

Here I will discuss how to add web pages and addresses on google maps.

Adding Webpage

  1. Open Smart Apps Creator on your computer Device
  2. Select the device you want to use in Project creation
  3. Then go to Insert > Website
  4. Enter the website address in the URL section of the Properties.
    For example, Enter
  5. After that press Apply, then the results will appear on the work page. For more details, Press Preview.

Adding a Web Page is very easy to do. You just need to prepare the Website Address and enter it into the URL section in Insert > Website.

Add Google Maps

  1. Open Smart Apps Creator on your computer Device.
  2. Select the device you want to use in Project creation.
  3. Then go to Insert > Map.
  4. Enter the address where you work or the address you want in the Search Map section.
    – Add addresses such as street names, regions, and countries. This feature allows you to search for the desired address without entering the Google Maps URL.
    – For example, Enter your full address.
  5. After that press Enter, then the results will appear on the work page. For more details, you can use the Preview feature.

Adding address locations into the Smart Apps Creator Project is very easy. The method is not much different from entering a web page address.

Adding Google Maps and Web Pages is very easy. You just need to set the location address or web page address to be included in the created project.

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